The only podcast dedicated to showing off the best of Australian short fiction
Short fiction writers all over Australia are putting down thousands upon thousands of words each day. They agonise over every sentence, every character, and every possibility. Stories are shared among writing groups, families, friends, and anybody else willing to give them the time.
Unfortunately, most of these stories never go any further.
Publication opportunities are limited when it comes to short fiction. Other than the occasional competition, there aren’t many ways to reach an audience.
That’s where Aussie Shorts comes in. A weekly podcast featuring a new short story each week.
Aussie Shorts
Want to submit?
If you’re the proud creator of a short story (up to 2,000 words) and would like it featured on an episode of Aussie Shorts, you can upload it via the form on this page.
Please make sure your file is in .docx or .pdf format. Stories uploaded will go through an editorial process, and as such may not be featured. All authors will be notified regarding the outcome.